The human body is a complex and dynamic system.  Everything interacts with everything else, sometimes in unpredictable ways.  The best way to impact the whole is to understand the parts.  A large part of my clinical approach involves gathering as much relevant information as possible.  That means analyzing almost every joint in the body to understand what works well and what doesn’t.  In addition to your medical history, your first visit will involve a very comprehensive movement and biomechanics exam.


By the end of the first visit, you should have a good understanding of what what moves well, what needs to become more flexible, what requires strengthening, and what requires treatment.  You will also start learning the best ways to address any movement deficits we find in the exam, and most importantly how to treat and fix them yourself.


Follow up appointments are based on monitoring the healing and repair process, and may include additional treatments or exercise revisions.  It is rare that a patient doesn’t see improvement in their body over 4-6 sessions, spaced one to three weeks apart.  Most patients will start to notice changes in their body within two weeks, with the majority beginning to see changes after their first visit.